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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Gud evening my frind

12 years ago

Love is blind
Love is eyed
Love is sweet
Love is bitter
Love is care
Love is hesitation
Love is bare
Love is dare
Love is peace
Love is violent
Love is clear
Love is dirty
Love is prominent
Love is contaminate
Love is heaven
Love is hell
Love is crashing
Love is sticky
Love is critical
Love is mythological

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Luv is a promise, luv is a souvenir, once given, nvr forgoten, nvr let it disappear

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LoVe iS LiKe QuiCkSanD - ThE DeEpEr yOu FaLL iN iT ThE HaRdeR iT iS tO GeT OuT.

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Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit!

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Love is brittle
Love is malleable
Love is capable
Love is stressful
Love is innocent
Love is violent
Love is best
Love is worst
Love is nothing But
love is everything
Love is god
Love is devil
Love is evil
Love is shining sun
Love is blinking moon
Love is beautiful earth
Love is the worst larva of earth
Love is hurting
Love is paining
But love is lovable and love is pain clear
Love is like this
Love is like that Love is too much

12 years ago

Gud morning

Have a great friday
12 years ago
K,but,in india muslims celebrate holi with hindus,even they marry with hindus?m i wrong?
12 years ago
gud night frind

Have a sweet dreams
12 years ago

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"Love is like playing the piano.
First you must learn to play by the rules,
then you must forget the rules and play from your heart."
12 years ago

Gud evening frind

Take care
12 years ago

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12 years ago
Wasalam tnx same 2 uholi manai azhar bhai aap ne
12 years ago

Gud morning

Have a nice day
12 years ago

Good evening dear

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12 years ago

Gud evening

Take care
12 years ago
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Never choose a dear one
and never loose a dear one
because of misunderstanding…
Good evening


12 years ago
Kk save tiger
12 years ago

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Have a nice day
12 years ago

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

Good night my very special friend,
I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you,
Much love and happiness.
Do not think of me...
i m in ur eyes.
Good Night Swt drmzz My frnd

12 years ago

Dont expect others to be like u
because life becomes really boring
when You've to live only with your shadows.
Respect the uniqueness in every human!

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

مركز تحميل فور عرب . نت

God bless U my frnd
13 years ago
13 years ago
Salamoalikum bha
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