DiCtiOnaRy iS tHe oNLy pLACe wHeRe DeATh cOMEs bEfoRe LifE, SuCcEss bEfoRe WorK, DiVORCe bEfoRe MaRriaGe, BuT FriENd cOMe bEfoRe ReLaTivE..gooD nighT..sWeeT DrEaMs
'ItS nT imP. tO gO tO heavN aftR wE leavE,buT itS imP. tO creatE heavN in somE onE *s hearT, beforE wE leavE..'POSSIBLE... buT hoW??? EverY normaL persoN haS 72 heartS beatS buT FoR mE itS 73...extrA onE iS uR smilE..sO donT stoP ur smilE..iT wiLL effecT mY hearT...keeP smilinG...havE a smilinG weekenD...here'S somE examplE of cutE smilE... ">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-52.JPG" border="0"/> 7 in 1smilephilosophic">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-48.JPG" border="0"/>philosophic smileinventive">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-30.JPG" border="0"/>inventive smilewat">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68454/68454.gif" border="0"/>wat a smileromantic">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68460/68460.gif" border="0"/>romantic smilepreparing">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68462/68462.gif" border="0"/>preparing to smilesmile">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal102.gif" border="0"/>smile die ok..bye.. thanx 4 nice msg..
so nice of you bE a bAby... cOz thEy hAd nO paSt tÖ bE cRy..thEy dOeSn't knÖw thE fuTuRe..thEy eNjÖy eAch n eVeRy mÖmeNt...sÖ eNjÖy uR eVeRy mÖmEnt wiTh smiLe liKe baAy donT waNt tO bE a biG baBy.. Ok.. heRe's anÖtheR optioN gUt MORNING