sweet dreams....
nd ......
Hug u...
Gd_mrng................!! Hv a dominating day.
Gd_ngt................!! Sweet Dreams Hug U.
Gd _ mrng........!! 2days myself thought. Add life 2 the days nt days 2 the life...........................!!.
mEaNinGfuL lInEs aBoUt lOvE
'LoVe mEaNs tO CoMmIt oNeSeLf wItHoUt gUaRaNtEe, To gIvE OnEsElF CoMpLeTeLy iN ThE HoPe tHaT OuR LoVe wIlL PrOdUcE LoVe iN ThE LoVeD PeRsOn. LoVe iS An aCt oF FaItH, aNd wHoEvEr iS Of lItTlE FaItH Is aLsO Of lItTlE LoVe...'
hAvE TeRrIfIc TuESdAy wItH LoVe dEaR fridEnD
miss you...
Now i knw the secrets of U and Leedya.
happy frndship day my dear
Just think...!! Frnds r only tht prsns whom u cn tel & share evrythng even tht things & matr which u can't b tel & share wid ur family........................... So b remain frnds 4evr... Häppy_Friénd$hip_Dãy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!
Just think...!! Frnds r only tht prsns whom u cn tel & share evrythng even tht things & matr which u can't b tel & share wid ur family........................... So b remain frnds 4evr... Häppy_Friénd$hip_Dãy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!
Just think...!! Frnds r only tht prsns whom u cn tel & share evrythng even tht things & matr which u can't b tel & share wid ur family........................... So b remain frnds 4evr... Häppy_Friénd$hip_Dãy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!
Plz help me yaar plz help me........