Friends are like A page in a book of life, Every page with a different subject. But best friends r d index page covering every subject. Thx 4 being index page of my life.
Love is a divine feeling But when u lost love u r lost love is the strongest intangible thing A weapon that makes u strong and can hurt more than a bullet
Love is when There are a million things you wanna say to someone but when they look you in eyes and hold you in arms nothing in life matters other than being with that person at the moment
If sOmEoNe cOmEs iNtO YoUr LifE AnD BeCoMeS A PaRt oF YoU, But fOr sOmE ReAsOn hE CouLDn’t sTaY, Don’t cRy tOo mUcH… JusT Be gLaD ThAt yOuR PaThS CrOsSeD AnD SoMeHoW He/shE mAdE YoU HaPpY EvEn fOr a wHiLe…!!
eK JoKeR Ne LogOn kO 1 JoKe sUnAyA To sB LoG BoHaT HaSeY . . uSnE WaHi jOkE DuBaRa sUnAyA To kAm LoG hAsEy . . uS Ne wAhI JoKe fIr sE SuNaYa tO KoI BhI NaHiN HaSa . . tO PhIr uSnE 1 BoHaT PyArI BaAt BoLi . . Ki aGaR HuM 1 KhUsHi kO Le kAr bAr-bAr kHuSh nHi hO SaKtE.. tO PhIr eK GaM Ko Le KaR BaR-BaR RoTe kYuN HaIn...
The hardest thing of missing someone is not just their absence... Its when you think of the memories shared with them n ask u'rself won't it ever happen again....
Life throws you a thousand chances ...all you have to do is take one and have faith! ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
You learn when life is roughest, You can count your true friends on one hand! I'm truly grateful for those friends in my life! ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
There is four things you should know before you die: 1. Learn to love. 2. Learn to forgive 3. Learn to forget. & 4. Learn to live. ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
Life throws you a thousand chances ...all you have to do is take one and have faith! ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
You learn when life is roughest, You can count your true friends on one hand! I'm truly grateful for those friends in my life! ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
There is four things you should know before you die: 1. Learn to love. 2. Learn to forgive 3. Learn to forget. & 4. Learn to live. ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg rEaLLy GoOd hApPeNs, BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE I WaNt tO ShArE It wItH. I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg iS TrOubLinG Me, BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE WhO UnDeRsTaNdS Me sO WeLL. I MiSs yOu wHeN I LaUgH AnD CrY BeCaUsE I KnOw tHaT YoU ArE ThE OnE ThAt mAkEs mY LaUgHtEr gRoW AnD My tEaRs dIsApPeAr. I MiSs yOu aLL tHe tImE, BuT i mIsS YoU MoSt wHeN I LaY AwAkE At nIgHt aNd ThInK oF aLL ThE WoNdErFuL TiMeS We sPeNt wItH EaCh oThEr FoR tHoSe wErE SoMe oF ThE BeSt tImEs oF My LiFe... ''ZiNdAgI.. YaAnI KyA? eK DhUnDlI Si sHaAm,4 FrNdS,4 cUp cHaI,1 tAbLe!! ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa? CoLlEgE Ke dOsT,bUnK KiYa hUa LecTuRe,1 KaChOrI, 2 sAmOsE AuR BiLL pAr hOnEwALa JhAgDa! ZinDaGi.. yAnI KyA? pHoNe uThAtE Hi pAdNe wALi DoSt kI MeEtHi sI GaLi, AuR SoRrY KeHnE PaR, 1 aUr gAaLi!! ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa? KuCh saLo BaAd, AcHnAk pUrAnE DoStO Ki yAaD!1 sMs, DhUnDhLi pAdI KuCh bHeGi yAdEiN AuR, aNkHo mEiN AyE HuE AaNsU!!'' mAy nAhI JaNtA YeE ZiNdAgI.. KyA?" PaR DoSt tErE YaAaD..tErE MuSkUrAt..TeRe hAr bAaAaT... fIr yAaD DiLaTa hAy...mAy zInDa hUuUn...... ">" border="0"/>
Love is blind Love is eyed Love is sweet Love is bitter Love is care Love is hesitation Love is bare Love is dare Love is peace Love is violent Love is clear Love is dirty Love is prominent Love is contaminate Love is heaven Love is hell Love is crashing Love is sticky Love is critical Love is mythological
Luv is a promise, luv is a souvenir, once given, nvr forgoten, nvr let it disappear
LoVe iS LiKe QuiCkSanD - ThE DeEpEr yOu FaLL iN iT ThE HaRdeR iT iS tO GeT OuT.
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit!
Love is brittle Love is malleable Love is capable Love is stressful Love is innocent Love is violent Love is best Love is worst Love is nothing But love is everything Love is god Love is devil Love is evil Love is shining sun Love is blinking moon Love is beautiful earth Love is the worst larva of earth Love is hurting Love is paining But love is lovable and love is pain clear Love is like this Love is like that Love is too much