May the auspicious occasion of Eid... Bless your home with happiness, Your heart with devotion, Your soul with purity & peace... And bring joy to your heart, friends & family. Wishing You And Your Family A Very Happy Eid...!!! May Allah Shower All His Blessing On You...!!!">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
Good Morning Dear Friend. Have A Beautiful Day Ahead...!!!......">" border="0"/> ...... ">" border="0"/> ...... ......
ThE mOSt SeLfISH oNe LeTteR wORd 'I', AvOiD iT. ThF mOSt sAtIsFyInG tWo LeTtEr wORd 'WE', UsE iT. ThE mOSt pOiSoNoUs tHrEe LeTtEr wORd 'EGO', KiLL iT. ThE mOSt uSEd fOUr LeTtEr wORd 'LOVE', VaLuE iT!!! GooD mOrNiNg DeaR & hAVe A FaBuLoUs DaY aHeAd...!!!
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Frndshp 4 ever" and its first chapter is Keep Smile alwyz.. I miss u my dear. . TANJID
Could you do me a favour? Put your left hand over your right shoulder then your right hand to your left shoulder. There! I've just given you a morning hug!!! Good Morning Dear & Have A Great Day Ahed...!!!
It's a nice feeling when u know that sum1 likes u, sum1 thinks about u, sum1 needs u, but it feels much better when u know that sum1 never forget u & alwayz mind u♥♥ Miss U frn ... TANJID
We may not shower him with praise Nor mention his name in song, And sometimes it seems that we forget The joy he spreads as he goes along, But it doesn't mean that we don't know The wonderful role that he has had And away down deep in every heart There's a place that is just for Dad... May your father live long and keep showering his ßlesssings on you. Happy Father's Day!!!
Friendship is about bringing out the positive when everythng seems negative...Being accepted for who u are.. Being able to pick up rite where u let off..Sharin, talking and laughing.. Miss u so much. . .♥♥
There is a miracle called 'Friendship' that dwells within the heart and you don't know how it happens or when it even starts. But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift and you realize that Friendship is God's most precious gift. Thanks for giving me the precious gift of "Friendship"
Never say u r happy when ur sad , Never say u r fine when ur not ok , Never say u feel good when u feel bad, & never say u r alone when i m still alive...♥♥ miss U frn
Just a note to say hello before I start my day couldn't help but drop a line to my friend so far away As I sip my fresh brewed coffee thoughts of you have crossed my mind so I'm sending morning greeetings with hopes your day is fine Today is filled with sunshine like the friendship we two share my day will be just dandy I'll pretend that I'm there I have to go for now my friend have lots to do today but wanted to say good morning. Good Morning Dear Friend & Have A Sweet Sunday Ahead...!!!
You may not think of me when you are happy & having a good time. It's fine. But please don't forget me when you are sad & alone because I want to be the first one to make you happy. Good Morning Dear Friend & Have A Great Day Ahead...!!!
Blach rose mean excelent♥ Pink rose mean special♥ Yellow rose mean peace♥ Red rose mean Luv♥ White rose mean frndz♥ Orange rose mean best wishes♥ Accept all above 2day i giv u all rose 2 u b glorior & exclusive real life...♥♥♥♥♥miss u so much♥♥♥♥
Good Morning sunshine a good morning to you. Good morning sunshine and a good day too. Keep a smile upon your face, for all the human race and a good morning sunshine & a good day too. Don't let earthly burdens bring you down, keep a smile and not a frown. Good morning sunshine and a good day too and know I love you. All through the day keep your chin up, your head held high and you'll have a good morning, sunshine and your day will be just fine. Good Morning Dear Friend...!!!
Memories sometimes behave in a crazy way. They leave you alone when you are in a crowd and when you are alone they stand with you like a crowd. I wish that my memories make you feel crowdy whenever you feel lonely.