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JerVilR  دفتر يادداشت من (528) ورود به دفتر يادداشت

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11 سنة
Each of us very much wants Happiness. Simple, silent, light. So that to nestle on a native shoulder, forgetting all bad! To tell greedily everything that became painful when words aren't in time behind a train of thought! ... To be silent and look in infinity of favourite eyes... Each of us very much wants Tenderness... Naive, as first spring flowers. Tender, reminding sunshine... That all and without the rest! . When this tenderness is given by darling, there is a wish know him with the same. No! In many millions times more! To embrace so that he felt! . Each of us very much wants Belief - at times, it so doesn't suffice! That when almost broke or broke, someone silently whispered: "You will be able, at you everything will turn out! . " To fill up with confidence that Tomorrow by all means will come! . Each of us wants Love! And even that who says that never will be able already to find it. The love is equally necessary both poor, and rich; and clever, and not so... Yes everything, without an exception, the Love - that tender and right feeling which does us happy is necessary to all! So let all your desires which don't disturb feeling of love in your Soul will be granted! .
11 سنة

Get used happy to be! To wake up with a smile radiant … And with a look, on - children's, pure, Get used to love each other … Learn bad not to call, foretelling in advance troubles … You conduct other conversations … Learn to blossom soul … Get used to notice kindly. And to appreciate that is given by life … And behind happiness it isn't necessary to run … The happiness for you will run! Learn not to wait for a dirty trick from people unfamiliar and close … After all all, both high, and low - have a desire – to learn happiness … Get used not to be angry with the evil, and risk to help, understand … If someone suddenly started biting, so in something he wasn't lucky … Learn to ask and forgive forgiveness … The destiny will smile to you. And the spring will return to your soul! Get used happy to be...
11 سنة

All of good mood! Let everyone will find in the human life which will bring with itself in your house happiness!
11 سنة
11 سنة
world4art.com - Orkut scraps, graphic and comments

Scrap9.com for Butterfly Cards,   Butterfly comments,   Butterfly graphics,   Butterfly scraps,  Butterfly images,   Butterfly  pictures
11 سنة

good night sweet dreams

11 سنة

good night sweet dreams

11 سنة

hello my dear frnd

11 سنة

good evning frnd

11 سنة

11 سنة

11 سنة

If life poured pepper, you don't hurry to salt another … That there was beautiful a heart, it is necessary to trust, appreciate, love … If life was bitterish, you add smiles light. Let the hope with taste of mint store your souls from troubles … Life sometimes, as without oil porridge … And happens, as noodles soup … Your life — this your dish … So prepare it with soul !!!
11 سنة

Let there will be gentle your dawn.
Savouring coffee strong... sweet.
Let mine will reach to you hello
And day will present only pleasure!
♥ Good morning, friends! ♥
11 سنة
11 سنة
How are you?
11 سنة
11 سنة
11 سنة

Don't put in morning tea yesterday's memoirs, add sugar of today's joyful hopes... All kind morning and pleasant day!
11 سنة

Strong coffee revives! ... It brings heat and surprising energy in which the pleasure is concluded! Good morning, friends! Successful day all and to everyone!
11 سنة
So strange, looking back in the past, suddenly to understand that through your life there passed not one, and not two persons, and the whole tens and hundreds people. Someone from them was late for a long time, and someone hardly managed to touch your hand... To someone didn't get even your look, and someone on lips still had sweet from one thousand your kisses. So strange, looking back in the past, suddenly to understand that you always want to be better, more honest, more fair and are more good-natured, and as a result all the same there are those to whom you crossed the road. You want
to share pleasure with people, and people envy, you want to cry, and people start considering you weak. So strange, looking back in the past, suddenly to understand that the majority of us are able to lie, looking in eyes, and only small part sincerely decides to tell us "I love you", without taking away a look. Why we always suppress the finest from this, what is in our heart? So strange, looking back in the past, suddenly to understand that over time from memory persons are erased, names are forgotten, but events always remain. They temper us, they serve for us as a lesson. It
as the theatrical play which teaches us to skill of game. And people... all people same actors... simply good actors pass together with us from one play to another, and bad leave. So strange, looking back in the past, suddenly to understand that I which always seemed that understand people, in some of them nevertheless was mistaken and that people whom, appear, I will know eternity,
now from me moved away, and what I considered as "passersby" still near me.
You value people, which always with you and who will be able always to understand and to support you at a difficult moment...
نمايش صفحات:< قبلی 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 بعدی > 
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