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年龄: 40



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学校: ––––•, •♥, امي, الحبيبة, ♥•, •––––
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{اميرة الورود}: شلونك حبيبي .. مشتاق لك مر عمري كله حبيبي و أنا أتخيلك بعّدك ملاني جـروح وفكرة تجي و تـروح متقولي ويـن اروح .. لو احتاجلك



عهد قطعته لو مضى العمر منساك الا اذا صادفت لحظة وفاتي
جايز اغيب افقدك واتناساك جايز تغيب وتنسى حبي وغلاتي
بس انت تدري كيف انا احس وياك وتدري وجودك اكبر طموح بحياتي ......


ممارستي للصمت لا تجعلني ضعيفاً ، و لكنها تعني أنه في داخلي حروفاً لو نطقت بها لاهتزت أبدانهم وجعاً

留言板 (29) 留言

8 年前

FANTASTIC FOUR OFFICIAL TRAILER - FANTASTIC FOUR VIDEO - FANTASTIC FOUR OFFICIAL TRAILER - FANTASTIC FOUR FULL MOVIE ONLINE - FANTASTIC FOUR FREE DOWNLOAD - You never know … And suddenly somebody applied an ear to a door shchelochka from that party and overhears. Around after all false, false people, intriguers, idlers … When after that private talk of Shvalb left a management office, his red face "burned as the fire, and sweated as after a bath".
- FANTASTIC FOUR REVIEW - THE MOVIE FANTASTIC FOUR - FANTASTIC FOUR RELEASE DATE - FANTASTIC FOUR OFFICIAL TRAILER - THE MOVIE FANTASTIC FOUR - process in which nobody believed, it was put in Kiev in 1913. The government in the born blindness expected a celebration. What magnificent disorder could be arranged after condemnation of Baileys: "on 100 thousand people! " Jews would be given on a fun to "people at large"... It was, of course, masked "people at large", chernosotenets who worked with silent connivance of the authorities.
9 年前
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from Rafalesko. - What for an animal? - he whispered to the young friend. Rafalesko and itself, appears, inexpressibly was delighted to the deliverer who got out it of the fright's hands. It put the crumpled hat in order, straightened a hand the disheveled hair and presented the stranger to the friend: - My friend Shvalb … My old acquaintance Braynd … madam Chernyak.
HARD MONEY LENDERS DALLAS TX - EASY WAYS TO INVEST MONEY - REAL MONEY MAKING ONLINE - HIGHEST INTEREST MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT - EARN MONEY FAST UK My secret bents, however, answering to the nature are opposite to airs of greatness with which I have to decorate myself; they open for me infinite opportunities for a world obmanyvanye... Here that you just advised me, it is important only, whether it corresponds to my present policy. Moreover (he added, according to Talleyran, "with a devilish smile") whether it is necessary to find out there is at you no secret reason ("quelque intert secret") for such council to me".
11 年前


11 年前
