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ovilia26 Guestbook

mark0218  (13 years ago)
i come from Thailand u?
mark0218  (13 years ago)
im listen the music
mark0218  (13 years ago)
wht r u doing?
mark0218  (13 years ago)
im marknice 2 meet u
bharathim  (13 years ago)
Northeastern Japan has just been slammed by a 10-meter tsunami after the 8.9 quake which struck about 400km from Tokyo. The tsunami wept away everything in its path including houses, cars, farm buildings, and so on. Eighteen people are confirmed dead, 200 others were washed away, with several others missing during the disaster on the Sendai Island. People are still being evacuated to higher ground in coastal areas in order to survive from the powerful waves. Communication links are now broken, making it difficult to confirm the number of deaths and injuries. Let’s have a look at some first images of this deadly tsunami through the photos below
1. Japan Earth Quake & Tsunami Pics

With loves,
exe523  (13 years ago)
tpi kan dah slsai??lgi apa kmu!!??
exe523  (13 years ago)
ra opo2!?!wis lali...!!emg utsnya dah dpt brp hri..???
piu86  (13 years ago)
ovi .cuma pgen nanya.agy p.
VIPruler  (13 years ago)
{Image} congratulations ma dear friend, u won world friendship award, have a awesome day ma friend.. {Image}
VIPruler  (13 years ago)
Thank god

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