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Sugarcult77 Guestbook

daqx  (13 years ago)
Once the package of friendship
has been opened,
It can never be closed.
It is a constant book always written…
waiting to be read…
and enjoyed.

There may be disagreements…
Often times an arguments…
Or sometimes no words at all
But within hearts,there's this piece
of thing that cannot be taken...
and its always there ...
LOVE ...


May our hearts be always filled with..
God's love and forgiveness


Take care
God bless

STAYSMILE  (13 years ago)
i am from saudi arabia
and u

STAYSMILE  (13 years ago)
i am amal
and u

STAYSMILE  (13 years ago)
me 2
i am goood

STAYSMILE  (13 years ago)
thanx 4 the add

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