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cherya08 Guestbook

maruf794  (12 years ago)

WhEn yOu FaLL In LOvE WiTh sOmEoNe,
DoN’T ThInK JuSt sTaRt eNjOyInG It.
BeCaUsE AfTeR SoMe tImE.
yOu wIlL NoT Be iN PoSiTiOn tO EnJoY AnYtHiNg...

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WhEn yOu aRe hApPy…
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe mOsT …
wHeN YoU ArE SaD….
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHo LovEs yOu tHe mOsT …

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maruf794  (12 years ago)

I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg rEaLLy GoOd hApPeNs,
BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE I WaNt tO ShArE It wItH.
I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg iS TrOubLinG Me,
BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE WhO UnDeRsTaNdS Me sO WeLL.
I MiSs yOu wHeN I LaUgH AnD CrY
BeCaUsE I KnOw tHaT YoU ArE ThE OnE
ThAt mAkEs mY LaUgHtEr gRoW AnD My tEaRs dIsApPeAr.
I MiSs yOu aLL tHe tImE,
BuT i mIsS YoU MoSt wHeN I LaY AwAkE At nIgHt aNd
ThInK oF aLL ThE WoNdErFuL TiMeS
We sPeNt wItH EaCh oThEr
FoR tHoSe wErE SoMe oF ThE BeSt tImEs oF My LiFe...

''ZiNdAgI.. YaAnI KyA?
eK DhUnDlI Si sHaAm,4 FrNdS,4 cUp cHaI,1 tAbLe!!
ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa?
CoLlEgE Ke dOsT,bUnK KiYa hUa LecTuRe,1 KaChOrI,
2 sAmOsE AuR BiLL pAr hOnEwALa JhAgDa!
ZinDaGi.. yAnI KyA?
pHoNe uThAtE Hi pAdNe wALi DoSt kI MeEtHi sI GaLi,
AuR SoRrY KeHnE PaR, 1 aUr gAaLi!!
ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa?
KuCh saLo BaAd,
AcHnAk pUrAnE DoStO Ki yAaD!1 sMs,
DhUnDhLi pAdI KuCh bHeGi yAdEiN AuR,
aNkHo mEiN AyE HuE AaNsU!!''
mAy nAhI JaNtA YeE ZiNdAgI.. KyA?"
PaR DoSt tErE YaAaD..tErE MuSkUrAt..TeRe hAr bAaAaT...
fIr yAaD DiLaTa hAy...mAy zInDa hUuUn......



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ALPEREN3  (12 years ago)

Good night & sweet dreamS

imagineDesign  (12 years ago)
if you in love with michael jackson like us here pls


ALPEREN3  (12 years ago)

wanlapha  (12 years ago)

...Have a Blessing Day...


bab1  (12 years ago)

ALPEREN3  (12 years ago)


Hayırlı geceler değerli arkadaşım & Good night my friend

maruf794  (12 years ago)
*tHe hEaRt iS LiKe a fLoWeR…
UnLeSs iT Is oPeN It cAnNoT ReLeAsE ItS FrAgRaNcE InTo tHe wOrLd.
tHe fRaGrAnCe oF ThE HeArT Is mAdE Up oF ThE QuALiTieS AnD
ViRtUeS Of oUr sPiRiT.
MoSt oF Us hAvE LeArNeD HoW To kEeP OuR HeArT CLosEd
iN A WoRLd ThAt WouLD TrAmpLE aLL OvEr uS If wE LeT It.
bEiNg oPeN HeArTeD ToDaY SeEmS To rEqUiRe tReMeNdOuS CoUrAgE.
It iS A CoUrAgE WhIcH CoMeS OnLy
wHeN We rEaLiZe tHaT No oNe cAn hUrT Us,
nO MaTtEr wHaT ThEy sAy oR Do.
tHeY MaY HuRt oUr bOdY,
bUt iF We hAvE ReAiLzEd wE ArE SpIrIt,
nOtHiNg oUtSiDe cAn tOuCh uS, iF We sO DeCiDe.
LiTtLe bY LiTtLe, pRaCtIcE OpEnInG YoUr hEaRt tO ThOsE...
YoU ThInK HaVe hUrT YoU.
ReALizE It wAsN’T ThEm tHaT HuRt yOu,
It wAs yOuRseLF.
AnD It tAuGhT YoU NoT To tRuSt aNd yOu cLoSeD YoUr hEaRt.
a cLoSeD HeArT Is iN NeEd oF OpEnInG.
aNd wHeN YoU Do,yOu wIlL HaVe bEgUn tO HeAl yOuRseLF.*

PeOpLe wiLL ALwaYs tHrOw sToNeS In oUr pAtH …. !!
iT DePeNdS On uS …. !!
wHaT Do wE MaKe fRoM It :

'A WaLL oF DiFfIcuLtIEs Or A WaLL oF SuCcEsS '
GooD NiGhT

maruf794  (12 years ago)

To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of a sIsTeR...
aSk sOmEoNe WhO DoEsN’T HaVe oNe
To ReALizE tHe VaLUe oF TeN YeArS...
AsK A NewLY dIvOrCeD CoUpLe
To ReAiLzE tHe VaLUe oF FoUr yEaRs...
aSk a gRaDuAtE
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe yEaR...
AsK A StUdEnT WhO hAs fAiLeD A FiNaL ExAm
To ReAiLzE tHe vALUe oF NiNe mOnThS...
AsK A MoThEr wHo gAvE BiRtH To a sTiLL bOrN
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe mOnTh...
aSk a mOtHeR wHo hAs gIvEn bIrTh tO a pReMaTuRe bAbY
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe wEeK...
AsK An eDiToR Of a wEeKLY NeWsPaPeR
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe hOuR...
AsK ThE LoVeRs wHo aRe wAiTiNg tO MeEt
To ReAiLzE tHe vAlUe oF OnE MiNuTe...
aSk a pErSoN wHo hAs mIsSeD ThE TrAiN, bUs oR PLAnE
To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe-sEcOnD...
AsK A PeRsOn WhO HaS SuRvIvEd aN AcCiDeNt
To ReAiLzE tHe vALUe oF OnE MiLLIsEcOnD...
AsK ThE PeRsOn wHo hAs wOn a siLVeR MeDaL In tHe oLyMpIcS
TimE WaItS FoR No oNe...
tTreAsUrE EvErY MoMeNt yOu hAvE..!*

{Image} FiLl uR TiMe wIt sUcCeSs...
hApPiNeSs...LauGh & LovE
WoNdErFuL NiGhT.

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