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xnirx  (11 years ago)



A fool may be known by six things

anger without cause

speech without profit

change without progress

enquiry without object

putting trust in a stranger

mistaking foes for friends


A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity

A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty

Wish u an optimistic life




xnirx  (11 years ago)


I am the best,
& I can prove it

I can put coffee in Coffee cup,
can you put world in World Cup?

I can send my number on your cell,
Can you send your cell on my number?

and the last one…
I can send my address on your cell
Can you send your cell on my address.

I am the best

{Image} {Image}

Qualities a friend must have

Cute as crocodile
Smart as donkey
Active as turtle
Fit as hippo
Matured as monkey
Sincerity like dog

No doubt you are my best friend


xnirx  (11 years ago)
Don't worry about hard times,
because most of the beautiful things
we have in life come from changes and mistakes.

Change and mistakes are two aspects of life
that help us to become better people.
Change is the transition from something old
into something new,
We have to maintain new changes in our lives
on a regular basis in order to
grow and reach our potential.

Mistakes are another part of life
that are vital to our success.
Without making mistakes we won't realize
what choices to make later on in life,
and if we don't learn from our mistakes
we will easily commit the same ones later in life,
over and over again until we learn from them.

So... keep your head high,
keep your chin up, and most importantly...
Don't resist change,
and don't be afraid to make a mistake
Though they may seem difficult
face changes and learn from mistakes!

Everybody makes mistakes.But only a few wise people learn from them.
May we learn from all our mistakes from passed 2012...

DesiComments DesiComments Tucmuc
...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013...
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xnirx  (11 years ago)

╰❤╮╰☆╮ ❤❤ ╰☆╮╰❤╮
Four candles were talking to each other

♥. . . ♥ {Image} ♥. . . ♥

1st-”I am PEACE,
no one needs me” & it went off..
2nd-”I am FAITH,
nobody believes in me” & it went off..
3rd-”I am LOVE,
nobody cares for me” & it went off..
4th-”I can light the other three''
...!!!because I am HOPE & I last forever!!!...

♥♥ {Image} {Image} ♥♥

Life is tough, sometimes impossible to live..
...but never lose hope...
I wish that your candle of HOPE
lights all your other candles
and keep them glowing.
Stay Blessed...
{Image} {Image} {Image}

...S W E E T {Image} D R E A M E S...

╰❤╮╰☆╮ ❤❤ ╰☆╮╰❤╮

xnirx  (11 years ago)


whÿ dö böÿs nëëd ä frïënd whö ïs ä ġïrl ???


-shë wïll nëvër lëävë ü älönë whën ü ärë säd…
-shë wïll sëë tö ït thät ü dö ür wörks ön tïmë…
-shë wïll mäkë sürë ü dön’t skïp
mëäls tö pläÿ mätċhës & dö wörk…
-shë wïll äsk ü tö lëävë ür bäd häbïts
ëvërÿdäÿ, ëvërÿ tïmë…
-shë wïll fïġht wïth ü ön smäll mättërs,
bt wön’t këëp d änġër för lönġ…
-shë wïll mäkë ÿöü mönëÿ-wïsë…
-shë wïll säÿ: dön’t w0rrÿ,
ëvën ïf thërë’s löt tö wörrÿ ör nöthïnġ tö wörrÿ...
-shë wïll mäkë ÿöü pünċtüäl…
-shë wïll hëlp ÿöü rësträïn ür änġër…
-shë wïll tälk tö ü 15 tïmës ä däÿ
tö knöw whät ü’rë döïnġ…
ü mïġht fëël büġġëd ät tïmës,
bt trüth ïs thät ÿöü ċän’t dö änÿthïnġ wïthöüt hër…
äs ġïrls ärë spëċïäl ġïft öf ġöd för böÿs…❤
sö respect & rëälïżë thëïr wörth
änd täkë ċärë 0f thëm…❤


they are the priceless creation by GOD

dëdïċätëd tö äll ġïrls änd böÿs
whö shärë thë lövë änd frïëndshïp n os…!!


xnirx  (11 years ago)

Live every moment,laugh every day,love beyond words.

In each moment we should make an attempt to make the best out of it,
whether it be a situation that is already positive,
or whether it be a situation that we need to help spin in a positive light.
Live every moment, and remember that eventually the future will be the present.

Take time out to laugh each day,
laughter is not only food for the soul,
but it also helps to heal the soul in parts it may be broken.

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And Love...

Love with everything inside of you.
Love because love is the center of life.
Our souls are filled with love,
so be sure to thoroughly love whatever may be in our hearts.
Love the people around you.
Love your friends.
Love your enemies.
Love your Love.
Love the memories you are able to make.

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Most of all make sure you will love the legacy you leave behind on earth.

LoVeLy NiGhT

Live every moment,laugh every day,love beyond words.

xnirx  (11 years ago)

❤¸.•°*”˜ {Image} ˜”*°•.¸❤
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!"
❤¸.•°*”˜ {Image} ˜”*°•.¸❤

This world is full of people
who are willing to dream,
but only a confident few will actually
go in the direction of their dreams.
Are you one who just exists with a creative well inside,
or are you one who is willing to go
confidently in the direction of your dreams?

Many people take a step or two in
the direction of their dreams.
Just as there are many who read these inspirational posts,
only a few of you will take what you learn from them,
and apply them in your life to actually achieve success.
The question is, which are you?
One who just feeds with no deposit
of actual action in your life,
or are you one who feeds on inspiration,
and knowledge to help you take further steps
in the pursuit of your own happiness or dreams?

Every dream should be a dream
in which you are desperate to achieve,
a dream in which you are desperate for more,

Sweet Dreams

❤¸.•°*”˜ {Image} ˜”*°•.¸❤
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!"
❤¸.•°*”˜ {Image} ˜”*°•.¸❤

xnirx  (11 years ago)


''A tear
Carrying the DNA of pain
Washing away hurtful stains
A tear
Expressing unspeakable feelings
Creating new channels of healing

❤ ❤ {Image} ❤ ❤

A tear
Traveling through tunnels of tragedy
Transporting tremendous tons of therapy
A tear
Rushing into a river of reformation
Creating a deluge of consolation

❤ ❤ {Image} ❤ ❤

A tear
Tearing down walls of internal imprisonment
Building beautiful bridges of betterment
A tear
Providing homeostasis
Averting my crisis

❤ ❤ {Image} ❤ ❤

A tear
Seasoned with the salt of reality
Rescued me from the claws of insanity
A tear
Flowing directly from the tear in my soul
Anchoring my feet and making me whole

❤ ❤ {Image} ❤ ❤

A tear
Much thanks to you my dear tear
You are the reason I’m still here''

❤ ❤ {Image} ❤ ❤

it doesn't mean i'm sad
i only mean some times we all need a flow of tears
to realize wats joy of living

❤ ❤ {Image} ❤ ❤

happy night with lot of tears


xnirx  (11 years ago)


doeѕ нappιneѕѕ depend υpon coмғorт? ’
тнe anѕwer ιѕ deғιnιтely a вιg, ‘no! ’
нappιneѕѕ lιeѕ ιn noт coмғorтѕ alone!
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ noт a ѕтaтιc qυalιтy
oғ тнe нυмan мιnd, вody and ѕoυl.
=♬❤♬= {Image} =♬❤♬=

all can’т reмaιn нappy all тнe тιмe.
ιт woυld вe ғoolιѕнneѕѕ тo wιѕн ғor a lιғe,
ғιlled wιтн нappιneѕѕ alone;
lιғe coυld вecoмe вorιng, wнen нappιneѕѕ ιѕ prolonged.
even a paυper can вe нappιer тнan тнe prιnce.
even a вeggar ѕмιleѕ and ѕleepѕ well, deѕpιтe мυcн ѕтrιғe.
=♬❤♬= {Image} =♬❤♬=

нappιneѕѕ ιѕ a ғraмe oғ мιnd тнaт’ѕ dynaмιc ιn naтυre;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ a ĸιnd oғ мood oғ ғeelιng very well;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ a ѕтaтe oғ one,
wнen lιғe ѕeeмѕ worтн lιvιng;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ all wιтнιn;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn gιvιng; нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn ѕнarιng.
=♬❤♬= {Image} =♬❤♬=

нappιneѕѕ doeѕ noт depend on coмғorтѕ;
нappιneѕѕ cannoт вe вoυgнт вy мoney;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ noт all lυхυry.
=♬❤♬= {Image} =♬❤♬=

нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn вeιng cнιld-lιĸe,тнoυgн adυlт;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn ѕacrιғιcιng ғor oтнerѕ’ ѕaĸe;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ ιn doιng acтѕ oғ cнarιтy;
нappιneѕѕ ιѕ wнen yoυ’ve led a rιgнтeoυѕ lιғe.
=♬❤♬= {Image} =♬❤♬=

нappιneѕѕ тo ѕoмe ιѕ ιn dreaмѕ alone;
нappιneѕѕ тo ѕoмe doιng rιѕĸy ғeaтѕ;
нappιneѕѕ тo a ғew ιѕ ιn a ѕнeer lazy lιғe;
нappιneѕѕ тo мe ιѕ ιn lovιng...

★(-_-)happy night(-_-)★

xnirx  (11 years ago)


υnιverѕal ғreedoм ιѕ......

ғreedoм ғroм нaтe and ғreedoм oғ love
ғreedoм oғ вelow and ғreedoм oғ aвove.
ғreedoм ғroм war and ғreedoм oғ peace
ғreedoм тo вegιn and ғreedoм тo ceaѕe.
ғreedoм ғroм ѕιcĸneѕѕ and ғreedoм oғ нealтн
ғreedoм ғroм poverтy and мιѕнandled wealтн.
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ғreedoм ғroм нυnger and ғreedoм ғroм paιn
ғreedoм ғroм loѕѕ and ѕo ғreedoм ғroм gaιn.
ғreedoм тo тнιnĸ and ғreedoм тo ĸnow
ғreedoм тo acнιeve and ғreedoм тo grow.
ғreedoм ғroм вondage and ғreedoм oғ lιвeraтιon
ғreedoм ғroм ιgnorance and any υnĸnown ѕιтυaтιon.
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ғreedoм тo coмe and ғreedoм тo leave
ғreedoм тo ѕтay and ғreedoм тo conceιve.
ғreedoм ғroм ғaιlυre and ғreedoм oғ ѕυcceѕѕ
ғreedoм ғroм denιal and ғreedoм oғ acceѕѕ.
ғreedoм ғroм ιllυѕιon and ғreedoм oғ realιтy
ғreedoм тo вecoмe wнaт we are ιn acтυalιтy.
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ғreedoм тo lιve and ғreedoм тo dιe
ғreedoм тo laυgн and ғreedoм тo cry.
ғreedoм тo ѕpeaĸ and ғreedoм тo lιѕтen
ғreedoм тo acт вaѕed on a wιѕe decιѕιon.
ғreedoм ғroм wrong and ғreedoм вeιng rιgнт
ғreedoм oғ тнe day and ғreedoм oғ тнe nιgнт.
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υnιverѕal ғreedoм ιѕ eтernal and ιnғιnιтe вlιѕѕ
we ѕнoυld all тнereғore вe aвle тo realιѕe тнιѕ......
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