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 LuUv 4nD p41n qU0735

KuCh £0g 15hQ k4rK3 4pn1 21nD4g11 k0 kHu5h1 53 j3373 h41n...70h kUcH £0g 21nD4 h0k4r ßh1 m4r3 hU3 mUrd3 k1 74rH4 h4m35h4 k3 £1x3 cHuP h0 j473 h41n.., r34£ f4c7 0f £0v3... : ( (10 years ago)

Khw4h1$h 7h1 m3r1 u$k3 d1l m3 ß4$ j4n3 k1..u$k3 ß4h0n m3 7007 k4r ßh1kH4r j4n3 k1..j4ß g4x3 u$k3 4nG44n m3..70h d3kH4 w0h dU4 m4nG r4h1 7h1 k1$1 4uR k0 p4n3 k1..., : ( (10 years ago)

hUmN3 j0 k1 tH1 m0h4ßß47 w0h 44j ßh1 h41n..73r3 2u£f0n k3 $4x0 k1 cH4h47 44j ßh1 h41n..r447 k4771 h41n 44j ßh1 kH4x4£0 m3 73r3..d33w4n0u $1 w0h m3r1 h4£47 44j ßh1 h41n..k1$1 k3 74$4v00r k0 ud71 n4h1n ß41m44n 4nkH0n m3 7h0d1 $1 $h4r4f47 44j ßh1 h41n..mUjH3 cH4h k4r pH1r cH4h3 cH0d d3n4 7uM..m3r4 d1£ 70d k4r j4n3 k1 1j4247 7ujH3 44j ßh1 h41n..., (10 years ago)

7uM53 g4x3 d00r kX4..pH1r p445 44n4 54k3...15 k4d4r 7007 k4r cH4h4 7uJh3..K 73r3 844d hUm k151 4uR k0 cH4h n4 54k3.., : ( (10 years ago)

h3x mMxX d41rXm1£k 1f 1 hUr7 x0u 7h3n p£2 f0rG1v3 m3..ßu7 d0n7 £34v3 m3 4£0n3 ßc02 4m r34££x n07h1nG w17h0u7 x0u : - ( (10 years ago)

KuCh £0g 15hQ k4rK3 4pn1 21nD4g11 k0 kHu5h1 53 j3373 h41n...70h kUcH £0g 21nD4 h0k4r ßh1 m4r3 hU3 mUrd3 k1 74rH4 h4m35h4 k3 £1x3 cHuP h0 j473 h41n.., r34£ f4c7 0f £0v3... : - ( (10 years ago)

Hum31n $424 w0h m1l11...j1$k1 kh474 hUmN3 k1 h1 n4h1n..4j33ß $1£$1£4 h41n x3h 1$hQ k4 k4ßh1 k1$1 k0 h4$474 h41n 70h k4ßh1 k1$1 k0 h4m3$h4 K £1x3 rU£4 d374 h41n..., : ( (10 years ago)

Am n0tH1nG w1t0uT x0u : ( (10 years ago)

1 h473 x0u ßc0z 1 £0v3 x0u $0 mUcH.. (10 years ago)

s0mE pE0p£e$ ArE vErX lUcKx c0z tHeX gEt aNxTh1nG wAtEvEr tHeX wAnT...BuT s0mE pE0p£e$ ArE $0 un£uCkX tHeX NeVeR gEt aNxTh1nG wAtEvEr tHeX wAnT.. (10 years ago)

jUz 1 w4n2 73l x0u..h0w mUch 1 l0v3 x0u..pL2 cUm 84cK 70 m3..c02 m m1551nG x0u 500 mUcH..v3rX d33pLx fR0m d 80773m 0f mMxX h34r7.., (10 years ago)

l0v3 1z w3n 5um0n3 8r34kz oUr h34r7 1n m4nX p134c355 4nD D m057 4m4z1nG 7h1nG 1z d47 w3 571lL l0v3 7h3m w17h 4lL 8r0k3n p134c355 0f oUr h34r7.., (10 years ago)

..mY-EyEs-R-hUrT1nG-c0z-1-cAnT-cU,mY-ArMs-R-mT-c0z-1-cAnT-HoLd-U,mY-l1pZ-R-c0lD-c0z-1-cAnT-k1zZ-U,mY-HeArT-g0nE-Br0kEn-CoZ-M-n0T-w1t-U..m1sS-u-aLwAyZskiss: (10 years ago)

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