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Lần đăng nhập cuối cùng: 13 years ago
bắt đầu làm thành viên từ: 17 years ago
quốc tịch: Novaliches, Caloocan City
giới tính: nữ
Tuổi: 34

Anonymous Identity

Bản thân tôi

Quan hệ: độc thân
Đời máy: Nokia 6630
Mạng di động: Globe
nơi học tập: FEU
Yêu thích: Emo, simple, cute
ghét: stubborn, nudes
nhạc yêu thích: RnB
phim yêu thích: horror movies
sách yêu thích: sudoku
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-+cxtn+-: The End is Justified by its Means!

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people wants to kn0w about me...
well, im just a girl:
[*]who loves being free
[*]who was once loved and hurt
[*]who was been broken and confused
[*]who tried to fix mistakes
[*]who tried not to be perfect but tries to make other perfect
[*]who loves people to be around
[*]who opens her heart and welcomes anybody
[*]who doesn't care if she'll get hurt because of sacrificing something for a loved one..
[*]who loves to be loved
[*]who wants to be a risk taker
[*]who wants to have a better life in the future
[*]who believes that God is my savior

=i d0nt like people to judge me especially if they are judging me in a wr0ng way...
=i am n0t used to be talked about...
=i never want any0ne who came to my life to be forgotten
=I'll risk my life to defend others if it is the right thing to do
=i wanted to be remembered not just as an ordinary girl but as what people can remember me...

~^i hate being sn0bbed^~
~^i hate those people who doesn't care about other's feelings^~
~^i hate those people who doesn't kn0w h0w to appreciate ones capability to be a part of one's life^~
~^i hate such foolishness surr0unding me^~
~^I'm scared to get hurt, but i love to learn from the pain^~

you can chat with me on YM - gumbaby_14
or even in MSN - p_a_w_cxtn@hotmail.com

if you also have friendster, please add me up! ^__^


hope you all like my skins!
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